The ingrown toenail. How to prevent it and its most common causes

 The ingrown toenail. How to prevent it and its most common causes

Ingrown toenails or onychocryptosis is a condition that occurs when the nail penetrates the soft flesh of the finger, usually on the top or side of a toenail. They usually appear normally on the big toe, although it can appear on any of the other toes.
t is advisable to treat the ingrown toenail in time, although apparently it is not very important, the injury could become a larger wound and become infected.
How do I know if I have an infected nail?
- inflammation
- Redness
- Pain
- Suppuration of white, yellow or greenish color, what we understand as pus.

Why does the ingrown toenail occur?
Most common causes:
- Nail malformation
- Constant and repetitive pressure in the area
- Bad nail cut
- Use of bad footwear
- Trauma
- Wrong way of stepping

To prevent ingrown toenails, it is good to continually check your feet and nails, wear wide footwear and use protective footwear at work, always cut your nails straight and keep them short, and of course not fix it yourself, without instructions or visit your podiatrist.

Dra. Ana Frau 
Clínica del Pie Ana Frau
